1C: Trade Management

1C: Trade Management

The program can register both already completed and only planned business operations.

1C: Trade Management

"1C: Trade Management 8" automates the following areas of economic activity:

  • customer relationship
  •  management, sales rules
  •  management sales process
  •  management: sales representatives
  •  management inventory
  •  management procurement
  •  management, warehouse
  •  management goods delivery
  •  management financial management,
  •  monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance targets

The program can register both already completed and only planned business operations. "1C:Trade Management 8 " automates the registration of almost all primary documents of trade and warehouse accounting, as well as cash flow documents.

"1C: Trade Management 8" is designed for any type of trading operations. Accounting functions are implemented from maintaining reference books and entering primary documents to receiving various analytical reports.

The solution allows you to keep management records for a trading enterprise as a whole. For an enterprise of a holding structure, documents can be issued on behalf of several organizations that are part of the holding.

The functionality of the solution can be flexibly adapted by enabling/disabling various functional options. For example, in this way, the program can be significantly simplified for a small organization, disabling many features necessary only for large companies (disabled functionality is hidden from the interface and does not interfere with the work of users). The following is a description of the functionality of the solution with the inclusion of all options.

"1C: Trade Management 8" provides automatic selection of data necessary for accounting, and the transfer of this data to "1C:Accounting 8".

The use of the "Trade Management" program together with other programs allows you to comprehensively automate wholesale and retail enterprises. The program "Trade management" can be used as a management system for the solution of " 1C:Retail 8".


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