1C: Payroll and HR (Human Resourses)

1C: Payroll and HR (Human Resourses)

1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 is a mass-purpose program that allows you to automate tasks related to the calculation of staff Payrolls and the implementation of personnel policy, taking into account the requirements of legislation and the actual practice of enterprises.

1C: Payroll and HR (Human Resourses)

1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 is a mass-purpose program that allows you to automate tasks related to the calculation of staff Payrolls and the implementation of personnel policy, taking into account the requirements of legislation and the actual practice of enterprises. It can be successfully applied in personnel management services and accounting departments of enterprises, as well as in other departments interested in the effective organization of employees ' work, for the management of human resources of commercial enterprises of various scales.

In 1C:Payroll and personnel management 8 supports all the main processes of personnel management, as well as the processes of personnel accounting, payroll, tax calculation, the formation of reports and certificates to state bodies and social funds, planning of labor costs. The requirements of the legislation, the real practice of enterprises and promising global trends in the development of approaches to personnel management are taken into account.

1C Solutions:Payrolls and personnel management 8 comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 On the Protection of Personal Data. The program implements the possibility of registering events related to working with personal data (in particular, access and denial of access to personal data), including information about the user with whom this event was associated.

Convenient and flexible mechanisms for configuring reports allow you to get complete and reliable information in a variety of analytical sections, for various categories of users: management, personnel management, personnel service, and others.

Delivery options
Taking into account the differences in the needs of companies at different levels, the company offers three software products with different functional content and complexity:

1C: Payroll and personnel management 8 PROF allows you to keep personnel records and payroll in various companies, from small to large, including those with separate divisions.

1C: Payroll and Personnel Management 8 Corp. is a comprehensive solution for automating all personnel management tasks at medium and large enterprises for which effective human resource management is a prerequisite for successful work in the market. The product allows you to solve the tasks of implementing the personnel policy of the enterprise and a comprehensive assessment of personnel at the modern level, correctly and quickly process information about the state of the company's personnel and give on its basis high-quality and meaningful conclusions about the abilities of employees, plan training, development and career, make informed management decisions.

1C: Payroll and personnel management 8. The basic version is a product for a small organization that allows you to fully automate the management of personnel records, payroll and calculation of necessary taxes and contributions in accordance with the requirements of the legislation at one workplace.


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