1C: Complex automation

1C: Complex automation

The application solution "1C: Integrated Automation 2" allows you to build a modern accounting system with a high degree of cost detail, to determine the indicators of management and user responsibility within a single information space.

1C: Complex automation

The application solution "1C: Integrated Automation 2" allows you to build a modern accounting system with a high degree of cost detail, to determine the indicators of management and user responsibility within a single information space. The following functions are implemented:

  • Goal setting is the definition of the goals themselves and the criteria by which their achievement can be assessed.
  • Planning - presentation of the company's goals in forecasts and plans:
  • Clarification of indicators, conditions, requirements and restrictions for planning;
  • Balancing the plan system.


Operational accounting:

  • Solving problems of management and interaction with the external environment;
  • Treasury Department;
  • Automation of sales, purchases, warehousing;
  • Needs to be managed;
  • Accounting in production;
  • Reflection of the facts of economic activity.
  • Monitoring of financial and economic activities.
  • Analysis-the study of deviations of actual indicators from planned or typical values.
  • Personnel accounting and payroll - personnel management and motivation.
  • Regulated accounting-reporting for external users.
  • Using the tools of the application solution allows you to ensure the coordinated work of departments both within the organization and with the external environment (customers, suppliers, competitors).


Do you have questions about 1C? Let's discuss!

You can get advice, clarify prices and order a solution from the specialists of 1C OPTIMA AZERBAIJAN. Contact us by phone, e-mail or request a call back.

+994 12 310 26 21