1C: Retail

1C: Retail

The "Retail" configuration is designed to automate the business processes of stores that can be part of a distributed retail network of a trading enterprise.

1C: Retail

The "Retail" configuration is designed to automate the business processes of stores that can be part of a distributed retail network of a trading enterprise. It can be used to automate stores with a large number of jobs, including as a cash register program.

The network structure of the retail network is supported by the mode of distributed information databases. The program supports two types of internal data exchanges:

RIB by stores allows you to establish a reliable data exchange between stores with the separation of document flow. The central RIB node consolidates information on all the stores of the network, with its help you can quickly create a peripheral RIB node.
RIB for workplaces provides the user with an exchange optimized in terms of data volume between the store's server and the cash line, provides autonomous operation of cash registers.
The Retail configuration is designed for independent, autonomous operation, as well as for interaction with other application solutions. Two-way data exchanges with standard configurations "Enterprise Accounting"," Trade Management " allow you to create software packages that cover the needs of retail enterprises of various scales.

  • The configuration "Accounting of the enterprise" ed. 2.0, 3.0 when used together with the configuration "Retail" provides routine accounting of operations. Operational accounting of goods movement and cash balances in cash registers is performed in the "Retail" configuration.
  • The "Trade Management" configuration, ed. 11, when used together, acts as a management system that supplies regulatory and reference information to the "Retail" configuration, manages the assortment and prices of retail stores. From the "Retail" configuration, the goods movement, including retail sales in the context of cash shifts, and payment means accounting documents are transferred to the management system.


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